Geiger on PPB's 2021 Greatest Companies to Work For List

Lewiston, Maine, 2021: Geiger has earned a spot on this year’s list of PPB’s Greatest Companies To Work For.
PPB Reveals Its 2021 Greatest Companies To Work For
The results are in on PPB’s 2021 Greatest Companies To Work For competition. This year’s 52 winning companies represent a diverse group of distributors, suppliers and business services firms across the U.S. and Canada—from micro businesses with nine or fewer team members to companies with hundreds of employees in multiple locations. The annual competition has been conducted since 2011 but was put on hold last year because of the pandemic. It’s open to all PPAI member companies with at least five full-time employees.
This competition is extremely popular and competitive, and we were so happy to be able to reinstate it this year. After the challenges we’ve all been through over the past 15 months or so, it was a joy to give our member companies a way to engage their employees and an opportunity to celebrate, says Tina Berres Filipski, PPB’s editor and director of publications.
Companies included in the competition had to be nominated by an employee and then a 15-question survey was sent to every full-time employee to rate their company in five areas: benefits, resources, culture, leadership and company direction. Companies were also required to meet a percentage of completed surveys. The survey results were then tabulated to reveal this year’s top companies.
PPB congratulates this year’s Greatest Companies To Work For. Read more about them in the magazine’s July issue.